The Duckpond

Jon & Cecilia Sharpley invite their friends, and anyone
with an interest in energy efficient, alternative, or
sustainable building, and native gardens,
to follow the progress of the building
of their mudbrick home in the Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia, and Cecilia's continuing garden endeavours

The Design and the Building Brief
Firstly Building the Garage completed June 2003
The House to Lock Up achieved 8 April 2005
Completing the Inside
  Living Life at The Duckpond

House Concert No. 53 - Martha Spencer & Archer

The Garden  
Jonni's Vegie Garden
  Wildlife at The Duckpond
The Frog Pond

If you have some spare time up your sleeve
you may like to visit Cecilia's other websites:

We do love to hear from the visitors to our site,
so if you have any comments/questions/advice, please drop us an email
