After the Rain
7 May 2004

duckpond refilling
After several days of heavy rain - and with the resulting supply of water from our steep roof,
the pond was already looking quite full

duckpond and rocks
I've planted quite a few grasses and sedges around the pond, as well as some of them
in the water. Tim had spent some time placing a large rock in the water at the far end
of the pond, as well as some flat rocks which he stood up.

metal duck
I just hope that the frogs realise this duck is not going to make a meal of them!
It was created by my sister in law, Anna Ashton and I think this is the ideal spot for him

duckpond full up
July 2004 - The pond is now full and the wood ducks often come to swim

wood duck and metal duck
I was amused to see that the male wood duck companionably sitting with
its new found friend!

next - 2005

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